Refereed conference presentations
September 2024
Poster presentation, "Is it really inclusive? The gender-star form in German", Architectures and Mechanisms for Language Processing (AMLaP) 30, Edinburgh, UK.
with Larissa Specht |
July 2024
Oral presentation, "Evidence from eye-tracking on the processing of quotation marks in German", CogSci, Rotterdam, the Netherlands.
with Natascha Raue and Holden Härtl |
June 2024
Oral presentation, "Dependency length minimization in German relative clause extraposition: Evidence from speeded acceptability judgments and production choice", Variation and Language Processing Conference 6, University of Vigo, Vigo.
with Claudia Felser and Sina Bosch |
February 2024
Poster presentation, "Quotation marks and their processing: Evidence from eye-tracking data", Linguistic Evidence 2024, University of Potsdam, Germany.
with Natascha Raue and Holden Härtl |
June 2023
Oral presentation, "Undoing gender in a gender-marking language: Gender-inclusive forms in plural role nouns in German", XVI International Symposium of Psycholinguistics (ISP), University of the Basque Country, Vitoria-Gasteiz.
with Larissa Specht |
May 2023
Oral presentation, "Undoing gender in a gender-marking language: Gender-inclusive forms in plural role nouns in German", Psycholinguisitcs in Flanders (PiF) 20, Ghent University, Belgium.
with Larissa Specht |
April 2023
Poster presentation, "Undoing gender in a gender-marking language: Gender-neutral forms in plural role nouns in German", Chicago Linguistic Society (CLS) 59, University of Chicago, USA.
with Larissa Specht -- Not attended due to sickness -- |
October 2022
Oral presentation, "The interplay between quotation and referentiality: An empirical investigation into name-mentioning constructions", Linguistic Evidence 2022, Paris, France.
with Natascha Raue |
August 2022
Oral presentation, "Multiple sluicing in Spanish: An experimental investigation of the clausemate condition obviation with bound embedded pronouns", Experimental and Corpus-based Approaches to Ellipsis (ECBAE) 2022 at the 55th Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europaea (SLE), University of Bucharest, Romania.
May 2022
Oral presentation, "Experimental evidence from German for a short source approach to apparent clausemate condition obviations in multiple sluicing", WCCFL 40. Standford University, USA.
with James Griffiths |
Abril 2022
Oral presentation, "Experimental evidence from German for a short source approach to apparent clausemate condition obviations in multiple sluicing", GLOW 50. Queen Mary University, London.
with James Griffiths |
February 2022
Oral presentation, "The interplay between quotation and referenctiality: An empirical investigation into name-informing constructions", 44th Annual Conference of the German Linguistic Society. University of Tübingen, Germany. (Online)
with Natascha Raue |
September 2021
Oral presentation, "Multiple adjacent wh-interrogatives in Spanish", II. Encuentro de Lingüística Formal en México. Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla, México. (Online)
June 2021
Poster presentation, "Multiple sluicing in German: evidence for a short source approach", TABU Dag 41st and 42nd, University of Groningen, The Netherlands. (Online)
June 2021
Poster presentation, "‘This text is called an abstract’ – An empirical investigation of referring uses of nouns in name-informing quotation", TABU Dag 41st and 42nd, University of Groningen, The Netherlands. (Online)
with Holden Härtl and Kristina Weissbecker |
May 2021
Oral presentation, "‘This text is called an abstract’ – An empirical investigation of referring uses of nouns in name-informing quotation, Germanic Linguistics Annual Conference 27, University of Wisconsin–Madison, Madison, Wisconsin, USA. (Online)
with Holden Härtl and Kristina Weissbecker |
April 2021
Oral presentation, "‘This text is called an abstract’ – An empirical investigation of referring uses of nouns in name-informing quotation, Purdue Linguistics Symposium 2021, Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana, USA. (Online)
with Holden Härtl and Kristina Weissbecker |
November 2020
Oral presentation, "Calling things by their names – An experimental study on the referential status of nouns used in name-informing quotation", Event Semantics 2020, University of Tübingen, Germany. (Online)
with Kristina Weissbecker and Holden Härtl |
October 2020
Poster presentation, "Congruence between the wh-remnants: a factor ameliorating multiple sluicing constructions", Linearising Constituents Across Domains 2020, Bled Institute, Slovenia. (Online)
July 2020
Oral presentation, "Multiple Sluicing in English: Theoretical and experimental approaches", Experimental and Corpus-based Approaches to Ellipsis (ECBAE) 2020, Florence, Italy. (Online)
February 2020
Poster presentation, "Does heaviness improve the acceptability of multiple sluicing constructions in English?", Linguistic Evidence 2020, University of Tübingen, Germany.
October 2019
Oral presentation, "The role of heaviness in the acceptability of multiple sluicing constructions in English", Workshop on Information Structure and Ambiguity – The Process of Integrating Sentences into Discourse, University of Tübingen, Germany.
March 2018
Oral presentation, "Multiple Sluicing in English", 40th Annual Conference of the DGfS, Workshop on Relating elliptical utterances to information in context, University of Stuttgart, Germany.
February 2018
Poster presentation, "Multiple Sluicing in English: Empirical Investigations and Syntactic Analysis", Linguistic Evidence 2018, University of Tübingen, Germany.
April 2016
Oral presentation, "When, why and how? Effective assessment leading to efficient progress", 24th Annual HUPE Conference, Šibenik, Croatia.
with Ricardo de la Garza Cano |
November 2015
Oral presentation, "Feedback: a Key to Improve Speaking!", 40th TESOL Italy, Rome, Italy.
with Ricardo de la Garza Cano |
Invited talks
April 2023
Invited talk, "Clausemate condition 'obviations' in German and Spanish complex antecedent multiple sluicing as evidence for a short source approach", Leibniz-Zentrum Allgemeine Sprachwissenschaft (ZAS), Berlin, Germany.
with James Griffiths |
May 2021
Invited talk, "Multiple Sluicing in English and German: short source identity approach", SynSem Colloquium, Deparment of Linguistics, University of Potsdam, Germany. (Online)